Mia Popić
I am the manager of the Synergy Center, a psychotherapist and a business psychologist.
I am nearing the end of my PhD studies which will additionally expertise me in the application of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching.
In everything I do, I use the synergy of knowledge related to coaching psychology, psychotherapy and agile learning, which is why our center is called exactly that – Synergy.
I have worked with many companies and helped people feel more comfortable in their own skin, by encouraging them to set sails on the next chapter of their lives and careers. On the other hand, companies used my knowledge to develop their business, and top managers, entrepreneurs, team leaders and Scrum masters find my help useful in order to develop their coaching styles in leading people. I lead internationally recognized trainings in coaching, where people have a chance to learn more about coaching psychology and apply it in their practice.
I have prepared leaders of different companies and politicians for public speeches. In this particular field, I have specialized in the psychology of public speaking and this knowledge sharing is something I really enjoy.
I am a member of the Society of Psychologists, the Union of the Serbian Psychotherapist Associations and the International Society for Coaching Psychology in London.
I love reading, writing and watching Netflix. I especially like shows which explore the psychological background of human relationships such as Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad, Sopranos, The Affair… as well as those which address the impact of new technologies on our psyche, such as Black Mirror. What I enjoy most though, is spending time in nature with my six-year-old daughter.
You can get in touch with me here